Watercolor Secrets for Beginners

Change in length of workshop to one day.

The workshop will be held on Saturday. October 20th 10-2. The cost is $120 and includes all supplies and studio fees. In this workshop you will learn about brushes and their different uses; papers and how to handle them; and alternative techniques to get special effects as well as composition tips and starting a painting. You will have the opportunity to apply those techniques during the classes. The workshop will be limited to 6 in order to accommodate everyone. This is a workshop aimed at those who have not used watercolor much or at all, and those that want to learn more about the basic materials and techniques that are available.

To sign up for this workshop, PM me, email at akynion@yahoo.com or go to the Splatter webpage webpage https://splatterartstudio.com/category/workshops/ Hope to see you there…the sign up for this workshop is limited to 6 and will be a first come/first serve basis.

Justin Skinner