Filtering by: abstract

10:00 AM10:00

Make Your Mark...Abstract Expressive Painting

Make your mark! Abstract expressive painting…..find what marks are unique to you and only you!

“Line can evoke an emotional response second to none…..the key element is variety..”….Jenny Nelson

Students will be encouraged by a series of studies/exercises to open up to mark making in a intuitive way. We each have a unique way a mark is applied either by way of writing or painting that helps us to communicate and express shapes, light, form, volume and feeling. Learn to stretch the properties of the mediums you will be using. Expressive mark making creates a flow and rhythm that offers a variety and interest to a piece. Marks are the alphabet with which a drawing is made. Mark making is the manifestation of a gestural energy! Lets discover your energy and create some great art!

Students will create works on paper and canvas.

Class Fee /$55 paid by way of paypal.,,,email If paying by another way please contact Regina Willard at 4172931188…workshop fees are non refundable.

Supply list

Paint acrylic..colors…titanium white, ivory black, yellow light, light red, alizarin crimson, turquoise or viridian, ultramarine blue, cerulean blue, magenta ( these are just suggested colors…bring what you have will be fine)

Brushes..assorted sizes small, medium, large ….round and flat.

Pencils, charcoal, water soluble crayons. oil pastels, erasers, markers ..( these are suggested dry writing materials so bring what you have is good!)

Watercolor paper 11x14 size or bigger (16x20 ) ( I like canson paper 140lb)

Canvas….16x20 (2)

Blue painters tape, paper towels, squirt bottle, container for water to clean brushes, palette paper, palette knife to mix paint, white gesso

Any concerns or questions please contact instructor.

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10:00 AM10:00


Workshop is for all skill levels. 10 am to 3pm ..fee is $50 per student plus a $5 studio fee.

Get expressive and loose painting abstractly!! Create a vibrant, colorful and loose interpretation of a popular farm animal…cows! Students will be using big brushes and pallette knife to create a painting that is eye catching and just fun to make and look at. The class will enhance your skills in color mixing/color theory, composition and design and help to understand the relationships of shape, color and value play in an abstract painting.

Supplies needed.. acrylic paint ( i like to use 2 of every primary a warm and cool) Cad yellow light, cad yellow deep or yellow ochre, cad red light, alizarin crimson or permanent magenta, ultramaring blue, viridian, titanium white. Other colors are welcomed!! I LOVE COLOR!! so if you have fun vibrant colors you like please bring. Its about experiment when one paints!

Big brushes ..flats, big rounds…few small brushes for use of drawing. Palette knifes assorted medium and large. Canvas size can be 16x20 or 18x24……( if you wish to use large sheets of mixed media paper instead of canvas .. that is ok.) I love strathmore brand!

Other supplies to create expressive mark making in your abstract painting…watersoluable crayons, watercolor pencils, oil pastels…any type of drawing material.

To register / sign up contact Jeannie Martin at 4178394539 …class size is limited

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Abstract Expressionist Art
9:00 AM09:00

Abstract Expressionist Art

COST: $50.00 + $5 studio fee

CONTACT: Jeanie Martin |

We are thrilled to welcome back such a fun, inspiring artist, Elizabeth Chapman. We will be working with acrylics on canvas, this month we will be painting intuitively to music. So bring your favorite music with ear buds or paint along to the music Elizabeth will inspire us with!
Class is limited to 12 and this class always fills so reserve your spot today!

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